Thursday, July 19, 2012

Six Qualities That Make A Champion!

Focus – Is our ability to block out distractions and concentrate on our work.  Our mind races all the time.  Try to focus for one minute on any one topic.  Sounds easy right?  Set a timer, close your eyes and only think about one thing.  Do not let your mind wonder.  You can only think about the one topic. 

Not as easy as you thought?   A child’s ability to focus is even smaller.  This is one reason children can struggle in school.  Children with ADD or ADHD have a more difficult time focusing than those children that do not. 

I Have Great News!!!  Victory Martial Arts Norman, OK specializes in ADD & ADHD.  We have taught children with varying degrees of ADD, ADH, and Autism with great success.  Maybe you perceive your child to have good focus.  That’s ok to.  We can help them have GREAT focus. Click here to find out about our Internet trial program.  

Speed  - is making a fast decision to succeed and immediately taking action towards our goal.   Most people have a great idea that never gets implemented.  Have you ever had a project or task that needed to be finished by a certain time?  We all have.  Did you wait till the last minute to start that task?  Truth is a lot of people will wait till the last minute to start.  This causes unnecessary stress, not to mention produces a result that is not near a good as it could be. 

The good news, we can help.  Victory Martial Arts Norman, OK program is designed to help the student set a goal and develop an action plan to accomplish the task necessary to complete the goal.  By setting these small goals and taking action to successfully complete the goal, the student develops a lasting habit of acting quickly to accomplish task.  Let’s use speed today!!! Click this link as fast as you can to take advantage of our internet special trial program.

Self Discipline Doing what you know you need to do without being told.  This is one of the most important qualities.  You must put first things first.  Complete the most important things first.  Does your child have chores they must complete daily?  Do you have to tell them everyday to do those chores?  Unfortunately most parents have to tell their children everyday to do the chores.  First, you must make sure your child knows exactly what they need to do ever day.  Give them a routine to accomplish the chores and then just expect it to be done. 

It is critical that you as a parent give your children responsibilities, teach them how to complete the chore correctly, expect them to complete it, and then hold them accountable.

At Victory Martial Arts Norman, OK, the students get responsibilities.  Like making good grades, being respectful, acts of kindness, and many more.  We teach the students how to fulfill their responsibilities and then we hold them accountable.   We only have a few spots left in our trial program Click here to get started.

Confidence  - Simply means we KNOW we can achieve our goal.  Confidence is one of the most important qualities of a champion. 

Why does a child become a victim of bullying?  Lack of confidence!

Becoming a victim of bullying or bullying someone is the result of low confidence.  Once a child is a victim of bullying, if it goes uncorrected will cause the child to have low self-esteem.  Low self-esteem will eventually cause depression.  YES, Depression in children 6,7,8,9 years old. 

No child should have to suffer daily at the hands of a bully.  Victory Martial Arts Norman, OK program has an anti bullying element integrated into the curriculum.  There are many programs out there claiming an easy and fast solution to bullying.

The fact is, like everything in life, there is a process.  This process takes time.  A child’s confidence can and will decline faster than you can get it to go up.

We set the kids up for success.  At first the victories are small and frequent.  We are always encouraging the students.  These small frequent victories will raise a child’s confidence level.  As the student becomes more confident the challenges become harder and require more focus and commitment.  Until, the student reaches BLACK BELT.

Some children do not have a confidence issue.  Victory Martial Arts Norman, OK will challenge these students to be better and more confident.  Click here for more confidence
Intensity  - Is giving 100%, trying as hard as we can to achieve our goal.  If you have self-discipline to put first things first, you are focused on the tasks needed to be successful, and you are confident you can achieve your goal, all you have to do is put 100% effort in and you will be success. 

At Victory Martial Arts, Norman, OK I never ask a student to be the best.  I simply ask them to be their best.  This means making the best grade they are capable of making, doing their chores correctly the first time.  I teach the student to be their best physically and mentally.  Regardless of the outcome my students know they did their best.

Think back to a time you were disappointed in a result.  Maybe it was in school, athletics, or even a relationship.  If you can say I did my best, there is no reason to be disappointed.

We will not always be first, but if we give our best we will be a winner.  Click here to give your child intensity

Perseverance is never giving up.  The road to success is paved with failure.  The fact is most people quit before right before they find success.  If you quit you will not be successful.  It is as easy as that!!!

Some children jump from activity to activity, seemingly never sticking with any one thing.  Martial Arts will teach students to set small goals and accomplish those goals before moving on.  Victory Martial Arts curriculum is designed to keep the students interested.  The techniques change frequently keeping classes fresh.  

As you already know, Life if Hard!!!  It is our responsibility to prepare our children to stay the course, to fight through adversity.  I know one thing for sure.  If your student becomes a Black Belt from Victory Martial Arts, they will not only have the physical skills to defend themselves, they will have learned, developed and applied the life skills necessary to be successful in life. 

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