Thursday, July 26, 2012

Response to an active shooter

Over the last 20 years we have seen a significant increase in mass shootings.  The most high profile mass shooting were at schools until last year when Representative Gifford was shot in the head.  Six died and 12 were wounded in that shooting.  The most recent active shooting massacre elevated the attack by using tear gas and then opening fire.  In the recent Colorado shooting 12 were killed and 58 wounded.  The main difference in this attack and most others is the amount of stimulation overload that was experienced by the victims.  Think about this for a moment.  You are in a theater with the lights out, a big bight movie screen flashing, very loud speakers and now a man throwing tear gas and shooting.  Let's look at something that is called the Boyd Cycle.  The Boyd Cycle also called O.O.D.A.

O - Observe
O - Orient
D - Decide
A - Act

When something is happening the first thing you do is observe it.  You have not yet processed what it is.  In the Colorado shooting many people observed the shooter walking in to the theater from the exit door.  Orient - You then orient yourself to what is happening.  In this case many people thought the shooter was a part of the show.  This caused the orientation phase to be much longer.  Decide - Once you have oriented yourself to the danger you must decide what to do in a fraction of a second, under extreme stress, and in most cases without any prior training.  Act - Then you must act.  Hoping that your decision is the right one.

Today we are going to cover some techniques and ideas that will increase your chance of survival in an active shooter scenario.

Let's talk about Fight or Flight.  This is an auto response to a dangerous situation.  When danger is near you will either fight or run.  In both shootings that I talked about above, some people chose to lay down and act dead.  I watched an interview of a lady that was in the Arizona shooting.  She said, she thought it best to lay down and act dead.  The shooter systematically started shooting people that were laying down.  He ran out of bullets shooting the lady next to the person being interviewed.  She was next.  If you are in an open parking lot, statistically, you have a much better chance running.  Shooting and hitting a moving target is very difficult.  I am a trained police sniper and I can tell you it takes a lot of practice to get good at shooting a moving target.  Most bad guys do not have the training to master shooting at a moving target.

Cover and concealment - Cover is hiding behind something that will stop a bullet.  Concealment is hiding behind something that will keep you from being seen.  A car is cover and a table or chair is concealment.  If you are running, you should be running to a place of cover.  Then Identify the next place of cover and run to it.  The idea is to continue to create distance.  If you get to the first place of cover and you feel safe, stay until you feel you need to move to the next.  But, do not wait too long.

 Here are a few tips:

  1. Carry a small flashlight.  Get a good one with the highest lumes you can get and are willing to carry.  This can be used to temporarily blind an attacker.  Or in a dark place can help you see to get out.
  2. Sit on an outside isle.  Never sit in the middle of row.
  3. Sit with your back to a wall if possible.  You want to be able to see the front door or entrance.  And you should be close to an emergency exit.
  4. When you walk in to a restaurant, school, or any other building, look for the nearest exit and then a backup exit, Plan A is this door,  Plan B is that door.  You do not need to walk around scared and paranoid.  But you do need to be prepared.  If you already have a plan you take Decide out of the cycle.  This speeds your action and chances of survival.
  5. Have a rally point for family members.  When you walk into a place you need to tell them "If something happens we all will meet here",  "If you can not get here, we will meet there"  You need at least two rally points.  Both need to be in a place that offers additional cover and escape routes.
  6. Back your car into the parking space or pull through.  In moments of high stress backing a vehicle can be very difficult and it will slowdown you escape.
  7. Leave the area.  If an attacks happens leave the area completely.  Once the situation is contained you can give a statement to police.
The bottom line to an active shooter is this:  Someone has to be a HERO!!!  That might not be you, but someone has to take on the shooter.  On July 27th, 2008 at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, TN.  a shooter walked into a crowed church and opened fire.  Greg McKendry a longtime church member and usher intentionally stepped in front of the gun and took the blast saving several people.  Three others in the church tackled the shooter and held him for police.  Now, I would never tell anyone to step in front of a gun.  Most of these types of heroic actions are spontaneous acts.  Because that is who they are.  They don't need to think about it.  If you are unfortunate enough to be within close proximity to the shooter, you have a couple of choices.  Attack, Run, or lay down and hope he/she does not shoot you.  

Concealed carry permit holders - If you have a handgun your decision process has more to it, Attack, Run, or Lay down and hope you do not get shot.  If you choose to attack there are many things to consider like hands on or draw and shoot.  We will focus on draw and shoot.
  1. What is between you and the shooter?  Do you have a clear shot?  Are there people running between you and the bad guy?
  2. What is behind the target?  Are there people running behind the bad guy?
  3. Have you practiced drawing and shooting with the handgun concealed?
  4. Have you practiced drawing and shooting under stress?
  5. Have you practiced shooting on the move?
  6. Have you practiced shooting at a moving target?
If you are going to carry a gun you need to take tactical handgun classes PERIOD!!!  Standing in a gun range, shooting at a paper target with no stress will not prepare you for a gunfight.  You would be better off running or going hands on.  I am amazed at the amount of people that get there carry permit and never train.  With that being said most police officers are not trained well either.  As a former SWAT team member we trained often shooting on the move, running from cover to cover and shooting, shooting around barricades, and shooting from different potions.  Look in your area for a reputable range that teaches tactical handgun.  If you cannot find one close, travel as far as you need to for the classes.

Steve Swinford is a 17 year law enforcement veteran.  He was a member of the Moore SWAT team, he is a trained sniper, Police Defensive Tactics Instructor, Taser Instructor and has trained in martial arts for over 30 years.  He has fired his handgun in the line of duty and understands the difficulty in shooting under stress.

If you are interested in having him a guest speaker at your business or organization, he can be reached at and click on the contact us page.  Or you can email him directly at  Steve Swinford has articles weekly on a a variety of topics.  Upcoming topics include, Back To School With ADD and Back To School Safely (a guide to preventing child abductions)  You can subscribe to his blog to receive this articles.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Six Qualities That Make A Champion!

Focus – Is our ability to block out distractions and concentrate on our work.  Our mind races all the time.  Try to focus for one minute on any one topic.  Sounds easy right?  Set a timer, close your eyes and only think about one thing.  Do not let your mind wonder.  You can only think about the one topic. 

Not as easy as you thought?   A child’s ability to focus is even smaller.  This is one reason children can struggle in school.  Children with ADD or ADHD have a more difficult time focusing than those children that do not. 

I Have Great News!!!  Victory Martial Arts Norman, OK specializes in ADD & ADHD.  We have taught children with varying degrees of ADD, ADH, and Autism with great success.  Maybe you perceive your child to have good focus.  That’s ok to.  We can help them have GREAT focus. Click here to find out about our Internet trial program.  

Speed  - is making a fast decision to succeed and immediately taking action towards our goal.   Most people have a great idea that never gets implemented.  Have you ever had a project or task that needed to be finished by a certain time?  We all have.  Did you wait till the last minute to start that task?  Truth is a lot of people will wait till the last minute to start.  This causes unnecessary stress, not to mention produces a result that is not near a good as it could be. 

The good news, we can help.  Victory Martial Arts Norman, OK program is designed to help the student set a goal and develop an action plan to accomplish the task necessary to complete the goal.  By setting these small goals and taking action to successfully complete the goal, the student develops a lasting habit of acting quickly to accomplish task.  Let’s use speed today!!! Click this link as fast as you can to take advantage of our internet special trial program.

Self Discipline Doing what you know you need to do without being told.  This is one of the most important qualities.  You must put first things first.  Complete the most important things first.  Does your child have chores they must complete daily?  Do you have to tell them everyday to do those chores?  Unfortunately most parents have to tell their children everyday to do the chores.  First, you must make sure your child knows exactly what they need to do ever day.  Give them a routine to accomplish the chores and then just expect it to be done. 

It is critical that you as a parent give your children responsibilities, teach them how to complete the chore correctly, expect them to complete it, and then hold them accountable.

At Victory Martial Arts Norman, OK, the students get responsibilities.  Like making good grades, being respectful, acts of kindness, and many more.  We teach the students how to fulfill their responsibilities and then we hold them accountable.   We only have a few spots left in our trial program Click here to get started.

Confidence  - Simply means we KNOW we can achieve our goal.  Confidence is one of the most important qualities of a champion. 

Why does a child become a victim of bullying?  Lack of confidence!

Becoming a victim of bullying or bullying someone is the result of low confidence.  Once a child is a victim of bullying, if it goes uncorrected will cause the child to have low self-esteem.  Low self-esteem will eventually cause depression.  YES, Depression in children 6,7,8,9 years old. 

No child should have to suffer daily at the hands of a bully.  Victory Martial Arts Norman, OK program has an anti bullying element integrated into the curriculum.  There are many programs out there claiming an easy and fast solution to bullying.

The fact is, like everything in life, there is a process.  This process takes time.  A child’s confidence can and will decline faster than you can get it to go up.

We set the kids up for success.  At first the victories are small and frequent.  We are always encouraging the students.  These small frequent victories will raise a child’s confidence level.  As the student becomes more confident the challenges become harder and require more focus and commitment.  Until, the student reaches BLACK BELT.

Some children do not have a confidence issue.  Victory Martial Arts Norman, OK will challenge these students to be better and more confident.  Click here for more confidence
Intensity  - Is giving 100%, trying as hard as we can to achieve our goal.  If you have self-discipline to put first things first, you are focused on the tasks needed to be successful, and you are confident you can achieve your goal, all you have to do is put 100% effort in and you will be success. 

At Victory Martial Arts, Norman, OK I never ask a student to be the best.  I simply ask them to be their best.  This means making the best grade they are capable of making, doing their chores correctly the first time.  I teach the student to be their best physically and mentally.  Regardless of the outcome my students know they did their best.

Think back to a time you were disappointed in a result.  Maybe it was in school, athletics, or even a relationship.  If you can say I did my best, there is no reason to be disappointed.

We will not always be first, but if we give our best we will be a winner.  Click here to give your child intensity

Perseverance is never giving up.  The road to success is paved with failure.  The fact is most people quit before right before they find success.  If you quit you will not be successful.  It is as easy as that!!!

Some children jump from activity to activity, seemingly never sticking with any one thing.  Martial Arts will teach students to set small goals and accomplish those goals before moving on.  Victory Martial Arts curriculum is designed to keep the students interested.  The techniques change frequently keeping classes fresh.  

As you already know, Life if Hard!!!  It is our responsibility to prepare our children to stay the course, to fight through adversity.  I know one thing for sure.  If your student becomes a Black Belt from Victory Martial Arts, they will not only have the physical skills to defend themselves, they will have learned, developed and applied the life skills necessary to be successful in life.